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Search results for tag #palestine

Fou »

Israelis lunatics and murderers

"I haven't spoken to Netanyahu since October 7th because he hasn't answered my calls," – Antonio Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General.

Fou »

Lunatics, warmongers, Nazis

Israeli Minister of National Security distributed assault rifles to West Bank settlers earlier today

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While West Asia’s Axis of Resistance seeks to weaken Israel’s military, economy, and security, a handful of Arab states and Turkiye are secretly striving to bolster Israel and supply its war on Gaza. This is the region’s new ’Axis of Normalization.’

Fou »

The Oversight Board of social media giant Meta ruled on 4 September that the popular term used by Palestinians, “from the river to the sea,” does not constitute antisemitic hate speech and should not be removed from its platforms.

The ruling comes despite an attempt by the Israeli intelligence-linked organization, Cyberwell, to have the popular phrase removed from Meta platforms

Fou »

The US is fighting two proxy wars and does not intend to stop either of them

Fou »

- A shooting incident occurred at the Israel-Jordan border. Three Israeli security officials were killed by a Jordanian truck driver.

- Jordanian media reports the closing of the King Hussein / Allenby Bridge, the largest crossing between Israel and Jordan, due to the incident

- Israel has closed all land crossings with Jordan, according to Al Arabiya

- "Nearly 400 trucks stuck at King Hussein Bridge after shooting" -Al Hadath

Fou »

Control Netanyahu, stop being complicit in genocide and leave the bullshit aside ⬇️

"Further escalation in the Middle East must be avoided at all costs," – David Lammy, British Foreign Secretary

Fou »

While Secretary of State Antony Blinken was celebrating the Geneva Conventions, the US approved a 20 Billion dollar weapons deal with Israel

This deal came despite Israel having violated an UN Security Council resolution, while it stands plausibly accused of committing genocide, in addition to the fact that its Prime Minister and Defence Minister await ICC arrest warrants for war crimes.

Credit: Carlose Latuff

Fou »

Germany almost always on the wrong side of history.

Germany justified Israel’s recent strike on the Al-Tabi'in school in Gaza, which killed almost 100 Palestinians during morning prayers, saying that Israel has the “right to defend itself.”

Palestinian survivors of the attack described how men, women, and children sheltering at the school were torn to pieces after Israel targeted it with three separate strikes on Saturday.

uhuru boosted

Fou »

For the genocide in Gaza, there are no more words to describe the devastation and the rage.
Netanyahu and Biden personally, and their governments collectively, are the biggest international criminals since World War II.

Fou »

Germany almost always on the wrong side of history.

Olaf Schulz, the chancellor of the country that arms and supports Israel to continue the genocide of the Palestinians undisturbed, the chancellor who bans pro-Palestinian events, the chancellor who violently suppressed the student demonstrations, asks Iran for calm and de-escalation of tensions

"Do everything to prevent further escalation in the Middle East," –  German Chancellor, Olaf Schulz, in a phone call with Iranian President, Masoud Pezeshkian.

Alt..."Do everything to prevent further escalation in the Middle East," – German Chancellor, Olaf Schulz, in a phone call with Iranian President, Masoud Pezeshkian.

nophen boosted

Lost body 🐼 »

The world stands with Palestine

The Palestinian delegation is greeted with a standing ovation during the closing ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics.

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Fou »

‘Leve Palestina’: The 1970s song that became an antiwar anthem in Sweden

> George Totari’s famous song brought Palestinian resistance music to the West. Now it is undergoing a major revival.

> A video of the protest, clipped together with the song, Leve Palestina, itself and uploaded on TikTok, immediately went viral and reached more than five million views since October.

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Fou »

Khan Younis, Occupied Palestine – Surviving displaced children reach Nasser Hospital after incessant Israeli bombs shred their faces.

Khan Younis, Occupied Palestine – Surviving displaced children reach Nasser Hospital after incessant Israeli bombs shred their faces.

Alt...Khan Younis, Occupied Palestine – Surviving displaced children reach Nasser Hospital after incessant Israeli bombs shred their faces.

Fou »

It took 10+ months of carpet bombing schools, hospitals, residences, >40.000 civilian deaths, famine, tortures to get Josep Borrel horrified by the ongoing genocide of Palestians by the lunatic state of israel.

Hypocrites, bastards, puppets and warmongers rule the

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Τρομοκρατιστής ✭ »

Borrell ‘horrified’ by Israeli airstrike on Gaza school

There is “no justification for these massacres,” the EU high representative for foreign affairs has said
When the EU will give the next bill to Israel Joe ?

Fou boosted

Aral Balkan »

Being American is one helluva drug, y’all. This is the level of genocide justification some of you are engaged in and, quite frankly, it’s disgusting.

Screenshot of reply to my post about this being an Israeli-American genocide of the Palestinian people as America is the primary supplier of bombs to Israel:

Eva Chaos
10/08/2024, 00:47 Edited
Replying to @aral
Why do you think Netanyahu needs bombs to genocide those people when he can cut off our access to them? With no food or water, every soul will be dead in days. If we don't give Netanyahu what he wants, there will be no survivors and Netanyahu wins anyway. It makes me wonder about accounts like yours, that not a single one of you has figured this out.

Alt...Screenshot of reply to my post about this being an Israeli-American genocide of the Palestinian people as America is the primary supplier of bombs to Israel: Eva Chaos 10/08/2024, 00:47 Edited Replying to @aral Why do you think Netanyahu needs bombs to genocide those people when he can cut off our access to them? With no food or water, every soul will be dead in days. If we don't give Netanyahu what he wants, there will be no survivors and Netanyahu wins anyway. It makes me wonder about accounts like yours, that not a single one of you has figured this out.

Fou »

Although it is still unknown whether the tension will lead to a new conflict in southern Lebanon, Haniya's death has paralyzed the negotiation process for the end of the conflict in Gaza, where Israeli operations continue against insurgent pockets, while civilians continue their aimless retreat through the strip.

Some 39,700 civilians have lost their lives since October 2023

via Syriyakmaps

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Aral Balkan »

Question for Democrats: would you say Israel is weird?

I mean, carrying out genocide… that’s a bit odd, isn’t it?

Maybe peculiar, at least?

Fou »

This is Israel's genocidal policy.
Any government that supports it is complicit in one of the most heinous crimes in our modern history.

And don't forget, Ursula said that the EU and Israel share common values

Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich would starve 2 million Palestinians if he could

Speaking at the Katif Annual Conference about the entity's decision to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich stated that it might be “justified and moral” to starve all 2 million Palestinians in Gaza to death.

However, the Zionist lawmaker complained that the international community would never permit it.

Alt...Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich would starve 2 million Palestinians if he could Speaking at the Katif Annual Conference about the entity's decision to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich stated that it might be “justified and moral” to starve all 2 million Palestinians in Gaza to death. However, the Zionist lawmaker complained that the international community would never permit it.

Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich would starve 2 million Palestinians if he could

Speaking at the Katif Annual Conference about the entity's decision to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich stated that it might be “justified and moral” to starve all 2 million Palestinians in Gaza to death.

However, the Zionist lawmaker complained that the international community would never permit it.

Alt...Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich would starve 2 million Palestinians if he could Speaking at the Katif Annual Conference about the entity's decision to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich stated that it might be “justified and moral” to starve all 2 million Palestinians in Gaza to death. However, the Zionist lawmaker complained that the international community would never permit it.

Fou »

is false. The analysis claims that out of 24 identified battalions, only 3 were rendered combat ineffective, while 13 were in some way degraded and another 8 are to be considered combat effective. This report did not account for the some 10 other Palestinian armed factions that have also been fighting alongside Hamas in Gaza.

Fou »

Israeli Channel 12 reports on shocking footage of Israeli soldiers allegedly raping a Palestinian prisoner behind shields and torturing others at Sde Teiman detention camp.

The victim reportedly sustained a torn rectum, ruptured bowels, lung damage, and broken ribs.

P.S A few hours ago Channel 12 also aired the video, I am not gonna watch it and I am not gonna upload it

Fou boosted

Proletarian Rage »

"Never again" is a common expression. But what do we do when it's happening right before our eyes?

In November, Palestinians reported how Israeli soldiers arbitrarily sniped at children held in their mothers’ arms as they fled south down Salah al-Din Street, forcing them to throw their children to the side of the road and keep marching. Other soldiers forced disabled people and people on crutches to walk without assistance, and when they fell to the ground, they were forced to crawl through the checkpoint. Soldiers forced others to strip naked and crawl into a ditch, where some were shot dead. Others were forced to sit in the ditch for hours among the bodies of others who had been executed, before eventually being allowed to carry on. In February, Gazans reported on how Israeli soldiers and attack drones were following an open-fire policy of targeting anyone who walked in specific zones, often killing mothers next to their children as they fled Israeli forces. In March, Israeli soldiers fired on starving Gazans seeking aid from food convoys, massacring hundreds in what has become known as the “flour massacre.”

Alt...In November, Palestinians reported how Israeli soldiers arbitrarily sniped at children held in their mothers’ arms as they fled south down Salah al-Din Street, forcing them to throw their children to the side of the road and keep marching. Other soldiers forced disabled people and people on crutches to walk without assistance, and when they fell to the ground, they were forced to crawl through the checkpoint. Soldiers forced others to strip naked and crawl into a ditch, where some were shot dead. Others were forced to sit in the ditch for hours among the bodies of others who had been executed, before eventually being allowed to carry on. In February, Gazans reported on how Israeli soldiers and attack drones were following an open-fire policy of targeting anyone who walked in specific zones, often killing mothers next to their children as they fled Israeli forces. In March, Israeli soldiers fired on starving Gazans seeking aid from food convoys, massacring hundreds in what has become known as the “flour massacre.”

Fou »

"No one will force me to leave my country"

Al Jazeera's Palestinian journalist describes the most harrowing experience of her life so far, conveying with extraordinary dignity the duty of her job and the instinct of a moth

Fou »

Israeli occupation forces have killed 13 Palestinians across the occupied West Bank in the last 24 hours. five of those were killed in the latest attack on Jenin city in two drone strikes. The intense raids spread through different cities, with more intense in Tubas and Jenin.

Fou »

Το καθίκι ο Μπορέλ γιατί δεν τα λέει και για το Ισραήλ με τις δεκάδες χιλιάδες δολοφονίες αμάχων;

Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση έκρινε σήμερα ότι είναι ουσιαστικής σημασίας να διασφαλιστεί ότι θα υπάρξει μια «συντεταγμένη και ειρηνική μετάβαση» σε μια «δημοκρατικά εκλεγμένη κυβέρνηση» μετά τη φυγή της Χασίνα. Στην ανακοίνωσή του ο Ζοσέπ Μπορέλ, ο επικεφαλής της ευρωπαϊκής διπλωματίας, εξέφρασε τη λύπη του «για την τραγική απώλεια ανθρώπινων ζωών κατά τη διάρκεια των διαδηλώσεων» και ζήτησε να απελευθερωθούν οι διαδηλωτές που «κρατούνται αυθαίρετα». Έκανε επίσης έκκληση να γίνουν σεβαστά τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα και οι δημοκρατικές αρχές.

Alt...Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση έκρινε σήμερα ότι είναι ουσιαστικής σημασίας να διασφαλιστεί ότι θα υπάρξει μια «συντεταγμένη και ειρηνική μετάβαση» σε μια «δημοκρατικά εκλεγμένη κυβέρνηση» μετά τη φυγή της Χασίνα. Στην ανακοίνωσή του ο Ζοσέπ Μπορέλ, ο επικεφαλής της ευρωπαϊκής διπλωματίας, εξέφρασε τη λύπη του «για την τραγική απώλεια ανθρώπινων ζωών κατά τη διάρκεια των διαδηλώσεων» και ζήτησε να απελευθερωθούν οι διαδηλωτές που «κρατούνται αυθαίρετα». Έκανε επίσης έκκληση να γίνουν σεβαστά τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα και οι δημοκρατικές αρχές.

Fou »

Lost body 🐼 »

An MQ-4C reconnaissance drone has just arrived in the eastern Mediterranean and is beginning to fly off the coast of occupied at an altitude of more than 15 km.

Fou »

It is outrageous that so many millions of people are calling for an end to the genocide of the Palestinians and our governments are contemptuously and brazenly ignoring us.

I only hope that this will be a lesson to all of us that governments do not consider people, only elites and lobbies.

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Nikos Parafestas »

John Oliver is spot on about West Bank occupation in .

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