is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.
This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.
Hey, British people, sign this petition.
#Israel #WarCrimes #genocide #Gaza #Palestine #apartheid #BDS #BDSMovement #educide
Do you still have doubts that the US will continue to exterminate innocent Palestinian civilians until they achieve their goals?
After Israel Kills Hamas Leader, D.C. Pushes to Hand Palestine to Saudi Arabia
Bent on a “mega-deal” security pact with Saudi Arabia, Congress and the Biden administration see their chance.
"Siemens Cambridge smashed in Palestine protest"
#siemens #palestine #bds #Apartheid #genocide
Germany, almost always on the wrong side of history ⬇️
Germany’s Commissioner for Human Rights isn’t able to name a single war crime Israel committed in the past year. Germany’s Human Rights Commissioner, hard at work it seems.
They are willing to exterminate 2,000,000 Palestinians to start their coveted war with Iran.
This is the West that many people cherish and worship.
The ethnic cleansing of northern Gaza as part of the so-called "Generals' Plan" isn't new, but the only thing standing in its way is the will of 200,000 Palestinians to stay in the north and refuse displacement.
Israel is deepening Lebanese social rifts by bombing areas that have been considered historically "safe" from Israeli attacks, dissuading the residents of those areas from sheltering displaced people from the south.
Israel, which began incursions into south Lebanon two weeks ago to battle Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah, has issued military evacuation orders affecting more than a quarter of the country, the U.N. refugee agency said on Tuesday.
The figures underscore the heavy price Lebanese are paying as Israel steps up its campaign to defeat Hezbollah and destroy its infrastructure in their one-year conflict.
✡️ 🇵🇸 ☮️